Monday, September 30, 2019
Management Report Project on Work Performance
Abstract The objective of this research is to find out if there is any correlation between work performance and job satisfaction through a sample study of sales personnel working in different banks. Additionally, this research sought to understand whether job satisfaction is linked to both work motivation and employee’s perceived style of leadership by Managers. With the help of surveys and interviews conducted with the participants, it was established that job satisfaction was positively related with work productivity. Similar essay: Argyles Communication CycleWork motivation and employee’s perceived style of leadership were also established as positively related with employee job satisfaction. These findings suggest that to increase work productivity, managers may be required to elevate the level of job satisfaction in employees, which may be potentially accomplished via a participative approach to leadership and effective motivation of employees. However, as the study is correlational in nature, the limitations of the current research are indicated under Discussion. Literature ReviewRelationship between Job Satisfaction and Productivity The most-used research definition of job satisfaction is by Locke (1976), who defined it as â€Å"a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experiences†. There are other researchers and studies that support this notion of relationship between job satisfaction and productivity indicating that org anizations increasing job satisfaction is not only to benefit its employee but also for the organization financial advantages.As cited by Edward E. Lawler, job satisfaction is related to productivity as this comes from a path goal theory of motivation that has been stated by Georgopoulos, Mahoney and Jones, Vroom, Lawler and Porter. According to them, people are motivated to do things which lead to rewards that they value. In this case, a path-goal theory would predict that high satisfaction will lead to low turnover and absenteeism because the satisfied individual is motivated to go to work where his needs are being satisfied.As quoted by Dailey and Kirk, 1992, job satisfaction and organisational commitment share an inverse relationship with absenteeism and turnover intention, factors that can sharply cut bottom line. Adverse consequences include lower productivity and morale, and higher cost of hiring, retention and training. Thus, the reverse holds true whereby lower frequencies of absenteeism and turnover could lead to potentially higher contribution to organisational economic productive gains.In a research done by National Research Institute for one of the largest Food Services providers in the United States, it was suspected that employee satisfaction was the cause for high employee absenteeism, ruling out other tangible factors. Findings showed that low job satisfaction was evident; the National Business Research Institute (NBRI) Root Cause Analysis indicated that a gap existed between employees and the organization's short and long term goals, vision, and mission.Proposed recommendations from NBRI included several measures to relay management's strategic plans to the lowest-ranked employee and ensuring each and every employee’s daily activities were aligned according to such plans. Thereafter, subsequent employee survey results showed significant increases on employee satisfaction, enhancing Total Company Employee Satisfaction dramatically.Emplo yee Satisfaction Scores took a turn for the better, from a Weakness (below the 50th percentile of the NBRI Normative Database) to being Strength (above the 75th percentile of the NBRI Normative Database) in only six months. What’s more, employee absenteeism was reduced by more than 60%. With this correlation, Organ (1988) found that the job performance and job satisfaction relationship follows the social exchange theory in which employees’ performance constitute a giving back to the organization from which they get their satisfaction.Recognising the fact that low job satisfaction leads to low productivity, in turn aggravating organisational performance, it is imperative organizations assess the strength of the relationship between employee job satisfaction and productivity level because of underlying implications on redesigning certain aspects of work. A study was conducted by Shanu and Gole (2008) on the satisfaction level of 100 managers from 15 private manufacturing firms. A job satisfaction instrument assessing areas such as recognition, monetary remuneration, working conditions, nature of job, and future advancement was used.Then, these survey findings were compared with performance evaluations done by executives of assorted companies. In the wake of this, it was discovered that performance levels are consistent with high satisfaction scores. This is congruent with a review of 301 studies, revealing that job satisfaction bolsters up work performance, with a higher inclination towards professional jobs, compared to less complex jobs (see Saari & Judge, 2004). While there are studies to show this correlation, the present study was concerned with whether job satisfaction is significantly associated with performance in the economic aspect.In a study conducted on 42 manufacturing companies, Patterson, Warr, and West (2004) found that- holding other factors like company size, previous productivity, and industrial sector constant- productivity (fin ancial value of net sales per employee) is positively correlated to job satisfaction In another study, Herzberg et al. (1959) stated that (positive) satisfaction is due to good experiences, and that these are due to `motivators' – achievement, recognition, the work itself, responsibility and advancement.Dissatisfaction is due to bad experiences caused by `hygiene' factors – supervisors, fellow workers, company policy, working conditions, and personal life (Herzberg et al. , 1959). Therefore, it is unable to ascertain if job satisfaction is positively correlated with economic productivity or whether an inverse relationship exists. The present study seeks to reaffirm findings from the bulk of research in favour of the notion that satisfied employees are more labour productive. Relationship between Motivation and Job SatisfactionThe level of performance of employees relies not only on their actual skills but also on the level of motivation each person exhibits (Burney et al. , 2007). A motivational framework, built on the premise of how employees should be managed, affects job satisfaction. Herzberg's (1959) two-factor theory of motivation attributes ‘pay and benefits' to one of the hygiene factors, in that the exclusion of this causes job dissatisfaction (Hugh Greenway & Tim Runacre, 2008). As Argyle (1989) explains, positive job atisfaction is due to motivators such as achievement, recognition, the work itself, responsibility, and advancement, while dissatisfaction is due to bad experiences caused by hygiene factors such as salary, supervision, company policy, relations with fellow workers, and conditions of work. Lawler (1973) has a theory known as discrepancy theory which states that workers measure job satisfaction based on what they receive versus what they expect to receive, and a comparison in which an actual outcome level is lower than an expected outcome level would lead to dissatisfaction (Castillo & Cano, 2004).However, in another theory of motivation known as equity theory, it states that motivation is affected by workers’ perception of how fairly they are being treated, with employees evaluating their inputs/outcomes by comparing them with the inputs/outcomes of others (Castillo & Cano, 2004; Luthans & Doh, 2009). If the ratio of inputs to outcomes is similar to the inputs and outcomes of others, equity exists. Inequity exists when the ratio of inputs to outcomes is unequal to the inputs and outcomes of others (Castillo & Cano, 2004; Luthans & Doh, 2009).Job satisfaction is then associated with the perception of equity, while perceptions of inequity will result in dissatisfaction with this belief having a negative effect on job performance (Castillo & Cano, 2004; Luthans & Doh, 2009). The common factors shared by the different theories of motivation are the implication of a need for effective motivation in order to make employees satisfied with their jobs. Castillo and Cano (2004) examining in an ear lier study on 148 faculty members reported that all of the job motivator factors identified by Herzberg (1959) were moderately or substantially related to overall job satisfaction.Such findings shed light on how organisations can enhance productivity by considering provision of motivators such as recognition or improving on such motivators so as to heighten job satisfaction. In order to attain optimal profits, it is necessary to ascertain the link between motivation and job satisfaction through extensive foraging for substantial evidence. Most importantly, the present study will illustrate that existence of motivators to propel employees to reach for organisational goals has a favourable impact on labour productivity via enhancement of job satisfaction.Leadership Style and Job Satisfaction In an organisation, the performance of staff is not only affected by motivation and job satisfaction but it is also affected by the leadership style adopted by the organisation. Leadership is defi ned as a process through which others are influenced to channel their efforts in the direction of attaining their goals (Luthans & Doh, 2009). Organizational leadership sets the tone in the effectiveness of organizations, as well as plays a vital role in job satisfaction.Positive interactions among organisational leaders and members give rise to mutual respect, trust, and the ability to generate a sense of hope for the future- a much needed ingredient for job satisfaction to blossom from such relationships (Ackfeldt& Coote, 2005; Farh, Podsakoff, & Organ, 1990). Moreover, there is research that shows the existence of the relationship between leadership style and job satisfaction. The National Business Research Institute (2007), examining factors of job satisfaction, surveyed more than 15,000 employees, largely white collar, from all levels of participating organizations in the United States.Leadership is identified as the prominent factor contributing to job satisfaction, a phenomen on evident in organizations. There is a relationship between managers’ leadership styles and employees’ job satisfaction, illustrated in a sample of 814 employees of a national hospital. According to Rad and Yarmohammadian (2006), a strong correlation between leadership behaviours and job satisfaction prevails, citing that employee job satisfaction depends upon the style of leadership of managers.It was realised that a trend emerged from studying the sample group; a participative leadership style of managers dominates where this is a style of leadership in which subordinates are led through a reliance on task-oriented and people-oriented approaches. In Luthans and Doh (2009) findings, participative leaders adopt a non-authoritative tone, empowering employees, together with consulting with them, delegating responsibilities, and enabling mutual decision-making. As well, another study on the influence of leadership style on job satisfaction included 220 individuals coming from diverse industries like manufacturing, education, and overnment. Research findings showed a consistency with the earlier sample study, denoting that task and relational leadership style were positively associated with subordinate job satisfaction (Madlock, 2008). In all, it is essential to bear in mind that participative approach to leadership comprising task and relational behaviours may not be the best â€Å"one style fits all†style of management due to the vast differences among organization’s cultures, leaving one to engage in other styles of leadership where appropriate. (Yarmohammadian, 2006).Among other things, participative leadership is more popular in technologically advanced nations and may increasingly abound as countries mature economically (Luthans & Doh, 2009). Therefore, it is vital to further justify through the current study if job satisfaction increases via participative leadership style. If such a relationship is confirmed, it is assumed that job satisfaction shares a positive association with productivity; participative leadership by managers could potentially boost employee productivity. The Current StudyThe present study examined the relationship between job satisfaction and productivity where respondents are seventy-three employees working in 2 local and 2 foreign banks based in Singapore. The intent is to affirm if employees’ level of work motivation and managerial leadership style gives rise to varying levels of job satisfaction. The participants in the study were Relationship Managers recruited from the sales departments of the local banks, namely United Overseas Bank (UOB) and Post Office Savings Bank (POSB), as well as from the foreign banks Standard Chartered and Citibank N.A. The scope of work required by the employees across the different organizations was similar, with the Relationship Managers being responsible for revenue generation by selling financial products. These organizations were selected f or the present study to ascertain whether job satisfaction relates to employee economic performance in terms of labour productivity. In the banking sales sector, where productivity is measured in terms of financial value of net sales per employee, this provides a pecific measure of the construct and permit correlational analysis with job satisfaction scores, precisely the reason for the choice of the banking sales sector being the main subject of this present research. Three instruments assessing work motivation, leadership style of managers, and job satisfaction were given to the participants. Participants could respond freely to the survey questions according to their own perceptions. Every participant’s labour productivity figures were provided by the respective managers of the four sales departments.Lastly, the Method furnished additional details regarding the assessment instruments. Hypotheses It was anticipated that labour productivity would be positively associated wit h job satisfaction. It was also predicted that both work motivation and employees’ perceived use by managers of participative leadership would be positively related to job satisfaction. Method Participants One Hundred working adults, out of which 50 were females and 50 were males, aged from 21 to 40 (M= 30. 9 years, SD= 5. 37) constitute the respondents for this study.These respondents, each having worked in these banks from 1 to 10 years (M= 5. 41, SD= 2. 58), were chosen from the sales acquisition departments within the main branches of 2 local banks and 2 foreign banks based in Singapore. Materials The tools required for the purposes of the present study come in three different assessments. Firstly, using The Leadership Style Questionnaire by Northouse (2001) measures task and relational leadership style to collate a general leadership profile representative of the participative approach to leadership.According to Anderson, Madlock & Hoffman, 2006 (cited in Madlock 2008), this instrument has reported scale reliabilities ranging from 0. 92 to 0. 95, and comprises 20 items measuring task and relational leadership styles on a 5-point Likert scale (1= strongly disagree to 5= strongly agree). The second instrument, adapted from the Work Motivation Behavior Scale of the Akinboye’s 2001 Executive Behavior Battery, is a 15-item questionnaire incorporating a 4-point Likert scale (1= strongly agree to 4= strongly disagree).The third item measuring job satisfaction was rated by the 8-item Abridged Job in General scale (Russell, Spitzmtiller, Lin, Stanton, Smith & Ironson 2004, cited in Madlock 2008) that was based on a 5-point Likert scale response (1= strongly disagree to 5= strongly agree). The Abridged Job in General scale was reportedly said to have a reliability of 0. 87 (Russell et al. 2004, cited in Madlock 2008). Attached in Appendix 1, 2, and 3 respectively is a copy of the Leadership Style Questionnaire, the Work Motivation Instrument, and the Abridged Job in General scale.Apart from these data obtained from the research instruments, branch department mangers provided the labour productivity of each employee based on the financial value of the nets sales revenue per month per employee for the past 12 months. Procedure A telephone discussion with each of the four banks’ main branch’s sales acquisition departments’ managers on the possibility of conducting a study investigating the links between leadership style, employee motivation, and job satisfaction which in turn predicts productivity was done.After consenting to the terms of the research, the researcher scheduled a half hour for the employees of each of the four banks at a time convenient to them. Meanwhile, delivery of the informed consent form and instructions for the three assessments, packed in an envelope, was arranged to each participant. All participants were given an explanation regarding the nature of the research, including clearing any doubts they might have, pertaining to the research. Sealed envelopes containing the questionnaires completed and handed by the participants to the respective manager would be collected from the latter in a week’s time.On the same day of collection, the month-end financial net sales figures of each employee for the duration of the past 12 months were obtained from the managers in order to compute monthly mean sales revenue figures as an index of labour productivity for each participant Results A computation of statistics for each assessment tool was done. The mean of job satisfaction was 23. 88 (N= 100, SD= 2. 46), the mean work motivation score was 38. 76 (N= 100, SD= 3. 94), while the mean score of employees’ perception of leadership style was 83. 98 (N= 100, SD= 6. 10).Monthly financial net sales figures for the past 12 months of each participant were to yield mean monthly sales revenue figures after which the mean of the averaged monthly sales revenue figures of all participants was found to be 14,265. 62 (N= 100, SD= 2,653. 47). Simple regression regressed productivity on job satisfaction. Results show that job satisfaction was positively associated with productivity, accounting for 20. 04% of the variance in productivity (R= 0. 66, p; . 001). Through multiple regression analysis, it was found that motivation and perceived leadership style affected the varying levels in job satisfaction scores.Work motivation and perceived leadership style were both positively correlated with job satisfaction, accounting for 19. 5% (R= 0. 66, p; . 001) and 16. 26% (R= 0. 24, p; . 001) of the variance in job satisfaction respectively. Discussion The present study, conducted on a pool of white collar professionals, looked into the relationship between labour productivity and job satisfaction, as well as examined whether job satisfaction was associated with work motivation and employees’ perceptions of managerial leadership style.Results tabulated from th e survey which was measured utilizing self, peers or supervisor assessment indicate that job satisfaction was moderately correlated with labour productivity, a finding that lends support to the body of research suggesting that greater job satisfaction is indicative of higher work performance (Argyle, 1989; Saari & Judge, 2004; Shahu & Gole, 2008).However, even when the economic aspect of performance, or more specifically, of labour productivity was examined, average job satisfaction still indicates to be correlated significantly with performance, as consistent with Patterson M, 2004 study of 42 manufacturing companies indicating that company mean overall job satisfaction was significantly associated with and predictive of economic performance.However, even with the result that accounts for such relationship between work productivity and job satisfaction, it is difficult to infer that job satisfaction is the direct cause to that outcome. As it is widely known that correlation does no t equate to causation, it cannot be concluded with certainty that satisfied employees evidence greater productivity as a consequence of their being satisfied with their jobs, as the reverse could be true that productivity actually accounts for job satisfaction or a third variable could influence the outcome of the relationship between both.As for the third variable there is some evidence to suggest that redesigning jobs to enhance job features such as task identity, task significance, skill variety, autonomy, and feedback may increase job satisfaction (Argyle, 1989), as it has been proposed that such features provide job satisfaction (Hackman & Oldham, 1980, cited in Argyle, 1989). What can be extrapolated from the findings of the current study is that job satisfaction makes up a proportion of the variance in employee productivity.This implies that a focus on improving employees’ level of satisfaction with their jobs may elevate labour productivity figures. Motivation and Job Satisfaction The findings obtained from the present study suggest that work motivation is positively associated with job satisfaction. Most research has indicated moderate to substantial correlations between Herzberg’s (1959) job motivator factors and overall job satisfaction (Castillo & Cano, 2004) which is no surprise that there is a positive correlation between both.If motivators such as recognition, achievement, nature of the work, advancement and responsibility determine job satisfaction as purported by Herzberg (1959), then motivating employees via a focus on improving such aspects of a job may serve to make individuals more satisfied with their jobs. Castillo and Cano (2004) found that amongst the job motivator factors that were associated with job satisfaction amongst college faculty members, recognition best explained the variance among faculty members’ overall level of job satisfaction.Interestingly, Herzberg’s (1959) assumption that hygiene factors r elate to or determine dissatisfaction was supported, as it was found that the factor of working conditions was the least motivating aspect of faculty members’ jobs, implying that employees were least satisfied with the context in which their job was performed (Castillo & Cano, 2004).Management may thus need to seek out creative methods to motivate workers by providing opportunities for advancement, achievement, and through the cultivation of a sense of responsibility and autonomy as individuals are motivated to excel because of intrinsic needs such as achievement, recognition, self-development, and meaning derived from performing work. More importantly, what Castillo and Cano’s (2004) findings suggest is that work should provide recognition through acts of notice or praise by colleagues, superiors, and management to increase job satisfaction.In the studies that have reported relationships between job satisfaction and work performance, it has been noted by Argyle (1989) that the correlations are greater for employees in supervisory or professional jobs. Also, job satisfaction predicts performance, with the relationship being even stronger for professional jobs could be due to the possibility that in such jobs, job performance is less contingent on external pressures such as task speed or wage incentives and more on motivation (Argyle, 1989).To the degree therefore that work performance or productivity depends upon employees’ level of job satisfaction, motivation at work holds an indispensable role particularly with respect to white-collar professional jobs in terms of its potential influence on job satisfaction. To conclude if motivation directly determines job performance are well beyond the scope of the current study.Further research is thus warranted in this area that will permit inferences about whether work motivation causes job satisfaction or work performance, or whether job satisfaction instead influences motivation. Leadership Styl e and Job Satisfaction In the present study, leadership style was indicated to be positively related to employee job satisfaction. This finding is of value because it supports the research findings that indicate that leadership behaviour of managers has an important influence on subordinate job satisfaction (Madlock, 2008).It appears from the current findings that as the perceived use by employees of a participative style of leadership in which task-centered and people-centered approaches are combined to lead subordinates, employees are more satisfied with their jobs. Such a finding is of direct relevance to organizations because the present research has also indicated a link between employee job satisfaction and work productivity in such a manner that increased levels of job satisfaction are associated with increased labour productivity.Thus, the extension of the current research by investigating the link between employees’ perceived leadership style of managers and job sati sfaction provides organizations with a further area of focus to potentially maximize job satisfaction and thus to enhance performance of employees. Conclusion The organizational goal of helping employees find satisfaction in their work should be one of paramount importance, as it may be to the mutual benefit of the employer and employee. The present study suggests that employees tend to perform more productively when they are satisfied with their jobs.In order to capitalize on employee job satisfaction to potentially increase performance of employees, ways of maximizing job satisfaction may encompass managing workers by selecting a participative style of leadership, as well as by motivating employees by ensuring that relevant intrinsic needs such as recognition are fulfilled though appropriate restructuring of the job. Such endeavours may then be advantageous for organizations in terms of productivity gains in the likelihood that job satisfaction is improved upon. Appendix 1 LEADERS HIP STYLE AND WORKPLACE QUESTIONNAIREDirections: Think about how often your immediate supervisor engages in the described behaviour. For each item, select the number that best represents the behaviour that your immediate supervisor is most likely to exhibit. 1 Strongly disagree2Disagree 3Neutral 4Agree 5Strongly agree My immediate supervisor†¦ 1. Tells group members what they are supposed to do. 1 2 3 4 5 2. Acts friendly with members of the group. 1 2 3 4 5 3. Sets standards of performance for group members. 1 2 3 4 5 4. Helps others feel comfortable in the group. 1 2 3 4 5 5.Makes suggestions on how to solve problems. 1 2 3 4 5 6. Responds favorably to suggestions made by others. 1 2 3 4 5 7. Makes his or her perspective clear to others. 1 2 3 4 5 8. Treats others fairly. 1 2 3 4 5 9. Develops a plan of action for the group. 1 2 3 4 5 10. Behaves in a predictable manner toward group members. 1 2 3 4 5 11. Defines role responsibilities for each group member. 1 2 3 4 5 12. Comm unicates actively with group members. 1 2 3 4 5 13. Clarifies his or her own role within the group. 1 2 3 4 5 14.Shows concern for the personal well-being of others. 1 2 3 4 5 15. Provides a plan for how the work is to be done. 1 2 3 4 5 16. Shows flexibility in making decisions. 1 2 3 4 5 17. Provides criteria for what is expected of the group. 1 2 3 4 5 18. Discloses thoughts and feelings to group members. 1 2 3 4 5 19. Encourages group members to do quality work. 1 2 3 4 5 20. Helps group members get along. 1 2 3 4 5 Appendix 2 HOW MOTIVATED ARE YOU IN DOING YOUR JOB The following questions ask you how motivated you are in completing your job.Please indicate your response based on the following scale. (1 Strongly Agree to 4 Strongly Disagree) 1. You always put in your best effort in the things you do. 1 2 3 4 2. You exceed what you are suppose to accomplished 1 2 3 4 3. Your environment affects your mood in performing your task 1 2 3 4 4. You have a group of helpful colleagues th at make your work pleasant 1 2 3 4 5. Your pay is low so you perform at the minimum. 1 2 3 4 6. You work just to satisfy your basic needs 1 2 3 4 7. To have career advancement is important to you. 1 2 3 4 8.If you are lowly paid but given recognition for you work, you feel good. 1 2 3 4 9. You feel you are part of the organisation. 1 2 3 4 10. Do you feel enthusiastic about your current job. 1 2 3 4 11. Do you feel enthusiastic if you are given a new job scope 1 2 3 4 12. Are you looking forward to achieve the organisation goal. 1 2 3 4 13. You feel discourage when you are asked to perform a new task 1 2 3 4 14. You feel that you are important to the organisation 1 2 3 4 15. Overall, you feel the organisation plans for your future. 1 2 3 4Appendix 3 HOW SATISFIED ARE YOU WITH YOUR JOB QUESTIONNAIRE The following questions ask you about how you feel about your job at work everyday and how satisfied are you. Please indicate your agreement or disagreement on the following statements by indicating your appropriate response based on the following scale. 1 Strongly disagree2Disagree 3Neutral 4Agree 5Strongly agree 1. At this very moment, I am very enthusiastic about my work. 1 2 3 4 5 2. Right now, I feel fairly satisfied with my present job. 1 2 3 4 5 3. At present, each moment at work seems like it will never end. 1 2 3 4 5 4.At this moment, I am finding enjoyment in my work. 1 2 3 4 5 5. Right now, I consider my job rather unpleasant. 1 2 3 4 5 6. My job gives me a sense of achievement. 1 2 3 4 5 7. The amount of support and guidance I receive from my supervisor. 1 2 3 4 5 8. The overall quality of the supervision I receive in my work. 1 2 3 4 5 References FACTORS EXPLAINING JOB SATISFACTION AMONG FACULTY Jaime X. Castillo, Extension Specialist New Mexico State University Jamie Cano, Associate Professor The Ohio State University Journal of Agricultural Education 1) Locke, E. A. (1976). 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Sunday, September 29, 2019
Abnormal Psychology: Clinical Assessment and Discuss the Roles of the Clinical Interview
Learning Objectives 1. Define clinical assessment and discuss the roles of the clinical interview, tests, and observations. Clinical assessment is an evaluation of a patient's physical condition and prognosis based on information gathered from physical and laboratory examinations and the patient's medical history. Clinical interview is a face to face encounter meeting. Tests are devices for gathering information about a few aspects of a person’s psychological functioning, from which broader information about the person can be inferred.Observations clinicians systematically observe their clients behavior. Naturalistic observation clinicians observe their clients in their everyday client. Analog observation clinicians observe their clients in an artificial setting, such as a clinical office or laboratory. Self – monitoring clients are instructed to observe themselves. 2. Summarize the axis approach of the DSM series and describe the general features of DSM-IV-TR. The DSM- IV-TR, lists approximately 400 disorders.It requires clinicians to evaluate a client’s condition on five separate axes. 3. List the major classification of disorders from Axis I of the DSM-IV-TR. Axis I: Major depressive disorder such as: anxiety disorders and mood disorders. 4. Discuss the dangers of diagnosing and labeling in classifying mental disorders. Clinicians will not always arrive at the correct conclusion. Another problem related to diagnosis is the prejudice that labels arouse, which may be damaging to the person who is diagnosed. . Discuss types and effectiveness of treatment s for mental disorders. Therapist treatment plans typically reflect their theoretical orientations and how they have learned to conduct therapy. Current research may play a role. Evidenced based treatment or empirically supported. Determining the effectiveness of the treatment is difficult because therapist differ in their ways of defining and measuring success.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Global Supply Chain Management of Distinctive Book Company Essay
Global Supply Chain Management of Distinctive Book Company - Essay Example However, their expertise in a small scale market is not yet tested in the international market. This means that they have to ensure that their strategies are properly planned and implemented to ensure the achievement of their objectives. This means that various points need to be considered at hand. One of the main issues that they need to focus among any other is their supply chain. This is to simply put it that they need to come up with a supply chain management that at least somewhere near excellent condition. This sounds much better for a start considering that the Distinctive Book Company is a new entrant in the international market. Part of the supply chain management of the company is to evaluate some supply chain strategies that can be of great help to the company’s business to improve efficiency, maintain or improve quality of service, manage supply chain risk and address supply chain issues that would come out from sourcing products through to sale and distribution of products to the company’s customers. Without any question, the Distinctive Book Company is partly ready for global competition. Thus, they must first be ready to face the current trend in global competition. According to Jespersen and Larsen (2005), companies compete in an environment where there is global competition which makes them faster, better and cheaper. The following such as faster, better and cheaper are considerable marketing proposition concepts of every international company (2005).
Friday, September 27, 2019
On chevron article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
On chevron article - Essay Example Trust leads to stakeholders commitment C. Commitments increases stakeholders efforts and D. Increased stakeholders effort increases corporate success. In other words, Hosmers theory bases its arguments on the fact that moral behaviours makes a business sound. Hosmer's text, in comparison to Kant, appears to be a managerial text that uses ethics in support of management, thus constituting 'knowledge in the service of power', i.e. ideology. But ethics is not ideology. Ethical philosophy was developed in Greek antiquity by great and renowned philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle. The maintain that ethics would; for example, demand that managers, IR experts, and trade unionists be honest, helpful, cooperative, sincere, open, benevolent, and modest. But, Hosmer avoids such a relevant list in his theory. (185) 2. Another challenge for management and its ideological outgrowth of managerialism--comes from utilitarianism theory as discussed by (Johnson, Hosmer, Pogge and Horton). Utilitari an ethics is directed towards creating the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Trade unions (Johnson) and many international organisations (Pogge/Horton) work towards this goal. Management according to (Hosmer 2008), however, has other goals and agendas which is primarily to the make profit. This sole purpose as an end in itself, rules out this theory as being ethically justifiable. (p14) and (P4) and (p1-14). 3.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Source Selection and Ethical standards Applied on the Supply Chain Essay
Source Selection and Ethical standards Applied on the Supply Chain Performance - Essay Example This generally involves having a budget for the items needed, selecting the supplies intended in this bandages, needles, medical equipment etc. This is followed by the bidding process where the bidders are invited to tender for the supplies. The selection of the most viable and convenient supplier is chosen, implementation is done and further follow up is carried out. Triage approach is one the suggested ways that thoroughly looks at a systematic evaluation of individual suppliers then gives them categorical differences (Robert et al, 2008). This process enables you to get the best deal in inventory management process by assessing the suppliers’ dealings. It also customizes the product needs according to specifications let alone the strategic location that is convenient for you. The opportunity presented here is in product specification delivery. There is often a team that is liable to undertake the whole process. The sales lead oversees everything to the customers’ fin al detail. The procurement team and the technological advancement team plus the consultant team work hand in hand to meet the customers’ target. The team will always be ready to make any amendments and give suggestions towards vital changes that would be beneficial to the hospital. The location as well the timing is all put in consideration. The price at which the customer is willing to pay is negotiated and the fairest price reached. This saves on time as well the costs involved in other modes of procurement. This is because a shortage of inventory is not felt as well as the stock levels are maintained at the recommended levels. No one time will you experience out of stock of your supplies since your target is at the core of the supplier chain manager. The whole source selection caters for production, delivery, inventory management, locality aspects, and providing information where need be. The advantages of the source selection are so beneficial to the hospital. Insourcing is recommended than outsourcing. Outsourcing of the source needs would and might incorporate all the clientele needs. The small details that are vital in such a process may be overlooked leading to failure of the whole process. The cost involved in getting a consultant to outsource may also be quite high as the work is tedious. On the contrary the outsourcing of the source needs may be beneficial in that it will not consume time for the management. The whole process is left to the consulting company. The final decision however rests with the management. Insourcing of the source needs is recommended due to the fact that the needs are clarified along the way. Any changes that need to be made are done quickly saving on time. The best opportunity can easily be identified as the direct involvement is between the supplier and the hospital. A thorough analysis can be made before the selection process is reached for clarity and the way forward needed without further consultations. Ethics po licy for the purchasing department: Personal integrity and professionalism – each and every individual who will be involved in the supply chain should be honest, have due diligence and be caring. Respects should be portrayed towards the clientele as well as to their colleagues. The entire group should maintain confidentiality in their work. Information shared to the public should not be outside the context that is allowed by the hospital management. Accountability and transparency –
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Professional Development Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Professional Development - Assignment Example As I began to consider civil engineering as a suitable career, I became more aware of the time that I spent studying and learning, at my own will, about a great deal of construction, design, and architecture topics, along with mathematics, science, and project management that are all relevant to civil engineering. I am an observant listener and I believe that learning from others’ advice and experiences will be useful input for career development, especially from those who are engaged in the civil engineering profession. At present, I do believe that I possess a number of skills and attributes which may be valuable if I pursue my preferred career, such as technical skills for design and construction. My analytical and problem-solving skills and excellent use of computer applications are significant in dealing with engineering projects in the future. Moreover, I also possess soft skills such as confidence and team spirit which may be favorable in working with a team. Team performance has been suggested to significantly influence organisational performance (Tarricone and Luca 2002), making such skills critical in contemporary organisations. I strongly believe in the power of motivation and I try to be a good example to others, especially when faced with difficulty. I do not fear unexpected comes as I trust that there is always a solution to a problem. In a state of uncertainty, it is better to be creative and make the best use of opportunities (Vakola and Nikolauo 2005). However, I also have weak points, particularly in management skills. Although I can consider myself as capable of managing projects with my technical abilities and dealing with other people through my values, these are not enough. There is a need for engineers to be highly capable of managing all processes involved in a managerial role to allow for coherence and holism. I find it difficult to be organised, and this is a
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Management for organizations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Management for organizations - Research Paper Example The five core principles of management are planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling. This is usually a process which starts from organizing and ends in controlling. Planning entails the creation of strategies to achieve certain goals. For instance, managers may be given a task of increasing the company’s sales. In the planning, they should find out what the most appropriate advertisement tool is – to advertise with the help of media or to create a sales force team. After planning, the organizing part commences. Organizing is the putting in place the strategies generated from the planning part. After organizing the managers will need a workforce to help them achieve their goals. The incorporation of the workforce is referred to as staffing. This entails training, recruiting and developing employees. After staffing, the managers should play the role of the leaders. With a plan in place and a working force in place, the managers need to be motivators and enc ouragers to their team. Controlling entails keeping track of the project being undertaken. This also includes correcting mistakes which may occur in the course of the project. In controlling, a manager compares the goals set for the project and the development of the project. This ensures that the original set of goals is achieved. Due to the analysis of the functions of management, the assessment process becomes easier since for every step of management the requirements are well known. The outcome of proper management provides the best mode of analyzing its success. However, there should be an accurate process of determining whether or not a management strategy is successful. In analyzing the success of management, each principle should be analyzed separately. This provides room for accuracy and enables to determine which principle is affected negatively. According to Kubiszyn and Borich (2010), devising an evaluation plan for a management team requires the use of results th e particular management has achieved in prior processes. The main problem when it comes to management evaluation is that the assessment results are usually not reliable and accurate (Kubiszyn & Borich, 2010). If this happens, the manager may be advised to take on changes which will lead to
Monday, September 23, 2019
Western Art History and nudity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Western Art History and nudity - Essay Example Cubism began from the description of the geometric schemas cubes, which were paintings on exhibition in Paris. Though it does not refer to any art style or movement, its description has a great influence on all art movements. Purism was an improved version of Cubism because of the intense use of paint. A further explanation by the artists created a divide amongst people in that they misunderstood the true meaning of artwork. This movement was a tool that artists relied on to reform France by using simple art impressions. Nude art first began in Greece for religious and athletic festivals. The word nude brings pornography in mind. However, nude painting is a form of creativity in art while the nude photo has to do with pornography. The misconception brings confusion when artists display such creativity to the public. Nudity is an expression of art where the images appear with or with little clothing that cover the private parts. Such images portray meanings that the public can relate to life events. This kind of art is very rampant in the Western art history. In the medieval art, the use of nude images was to express emotions. Literally, the art meant something was pure, originally innocent or a sexual desire if not shame. However, every artist has its own way of bringing the meaning clear with such images. Some cultures associate themselves with such nudity as part of their culture. This depends with how the dress appears. In other communities, they are used for ritual purposes.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Thermodynamics Lab Essay Example for Free
Thermodynamics Lab Essay Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to determine the identity of an unknown metal, and to prove whether the laws of thermodynamics hold when determining this identity. Using the accepted specific heat of water (4186 J/kg  · oC), heat flow between two different sets of water though the conduction of an unknown metal can provide useful data in determining the identity. The heat transfers can be calculated to approximate the specific heat of the unknown metal. When heat is transferred to an object, the temperature of the object increases. When heat is removed from an object, the temperature of the object decreases. The relationship between the heat (q) that is transferred and the change in temperature (DT) is: q = mCDT = mC  · (Tf Ti). After the specific heat of the metal is found, it can then be compared to known specific heat values of various metals, which in turn will allow for a probable identity of the unknown metal to arise. Hypothesis: The identity of the unknown metal is aluminum. This can be inferred from the unknown metals appearance, which resembles aluminum it its color, light weight, and luster. The laws of thermodynamics will hold when determining the unknown metal. The laws of thermodynamics must apply in order for heat flow to occur during the experimentation. Materials: The materials used in the lab were two calorimeters (insulated, Styrofoam containers), an unknown metal in the shape of a wide horseshoe, two thermometers, a balance, water, a beaker, and a Bunsen burner. Procedure: 1.Measure the weight of the Pyrex beaker, and then pour 200 mL into the beaker. Weigh the beaker filled with water. Record both weights to find the weight of the water by itself. Let this mass of water be labeled 1. Next, pour the water into one of the calorimeters and take the temperature of it. This temperature should be the room temperature and the same as the unknown metals temperature. 2.Pour 200 mL of water into the beaker and weigh the beaker filled with water. Record the weight. Let this mass of water be labeled 2. 3.Use the Bunsen burner to heat up the 200 mL of water in the beaker to 75o C. Then pour the hot water into the other calorimeter. 4.Set-up the calorimeters by placing the thermometers and the unknown metal in their specific places. 5.Record temperatures of both calorimeters every minute until thermal equilibrium is reached. 6.Clean and return all materials and dispose of any waste. Conclusion: The graph indicates that heat flow did undergo during the experimentation. The cold water increased in temperature, while the hot water decreased. The two liquids underwent changes in temperature until they both reached thermal equilibrium. This thermodynamics law is called the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics. This law basically states that two bodies will naturally reach thermal equilibrium when in contact. The First Law of Thermodynamics was obeyed as well. Only heat from the warmer body went to the colder body. Heat only travels in one direction, from the hot to the cold, as can be seen from the graph. My hypothesis of the unknown metal being aluminum was correct. The results of my lab showed that the unknown metal was aluminum, and later it was said that the metal had in fact been aluminum. The lab calculations went well. The values were somewhat disparate however. For example, the specific heat was found to be 1200  ± 110 J/kg  · oC, but the actual specific heat of aluminum is 900 J/kg  · oC. This difference can be attributed to the imperfect insulation of the calorimeters. Some heat must have been lost during the experiment, which may have caused a distortion in values as a result. Also, the metal was exposed to the outside air, and likely lost some heat to the air. Overall, the lab was a success. The only improvements I would suggest are to have better insulators and more precise instruments. Better insulation would yield improved results. The metal, which was transferring the heat, should have been insulated so that heat could not escape during the heat transfer. More pr ecise instruments would cut down on the uncertainties, which then would allow for better and more accurate results.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
A chiropractic office Essay Example for Free
A chiropractic office Essay A chiropractic office lost all of its computer data, and I was hired for the amount of time that it would take me to type up all of their hard copies into their new computer system. It took me a total of two weeks to type up a three-foot stack of papers. The skills required were mainly typing and editing skills, and sometimes I had to be able to read the doctor’s handwriting. I felt that no further motivation was necessary regarding skill level, since I am a quick, accurate typist and I enjoyed learning about various alternative health remedies as I went along. I completed the entire stack of papers by myself, and I found the solitary work to be relaxing and enjoyable. I felt that my job was, indeed, meaningful since many of the papers were standard legal forms or alternative health information or recipes for kidney stones or other ailments. At any given point in time, I was either directly assisting the chiropractic office or the patients thereof. Since I was a friend of the chiropractor and a trusted member of the staff, I was given full autonomy to complete my assignment on my time, at my discretion and on my schedule. That motivated me to do a stellar job in a short amount of time. Afterward, everyone was impressed by the quality of work I did, but especially the short amount of time in which I did it. I felt satisfied and like I accomplished something worthwhile and in an efficient manner.  I will use this same chiropractic office as my next example. An example of strategic planning is when the chiropractor refers the patient to their next appointment, telling them what needs to be checked up on or corrected next time. In this manner, he is not leaving it up to the patient to decide, but recommending a timeframe for when they should return. In this manner, for as long as the patient needs his help, he is providing himself continuing clientele. An example of functional-level planning is when he hired me to type up his paperwork or hired a receptionist to take care of patient evaluation and scheduling of appointments. In this manner, he is allowing himself to give the patients his full, undivided attention which will heal them faster, and allocating other work responsibilities to other people. In this way, he remains organized and punctual. The differences in decision making between the chiropractor and, say, his receptionist is drastic. If the receptionist were to determine when a patient was finished with treatment, a patient could be over-treated or under-treated and lose a lot of money, which would be spread by word-of-mouth and cost the business lots of money. And if the chiropractor made it his responsibility to take care of the tax reports, he would spend hours away from his treatment table, when he could be taking walk-ins or checking the status of a patient’s healing.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Matters Of Fact Relations Of Ideas Philosophy Essay
Matters Of Fact Relations Of Ideas Philosophy Essay Humes fork has two kinds of judgments. The one prong is known as matters of fact. Matters of fact are known to be true on the basis of experience. They are usually empirically verifiable and contingently true. That is, they vary based on the world. An example of a statement that Hume would classify as a matter of fact is The sun rose today or I exist. The other prong on Humes fork is called relations of ideas. Relations of ideas are known to be true independent of experience. They are self-evidently true. That is, if someone were to deny it as true, then they would be in contradiction. An example of this is All fathers are male. b. Define these 3 kinds of judgments identified by Kant, and give one example of each: a priori analytic, a posteriori synthetic, a priori synthetic. Believing that Humes fork was not fully correct, Kant came up with his three types of judgments. The first of which was the a priori analytic. A priori analytic statements are similar to Humes Relations of Ideas. That is, these statements allow one to gain knowledge without appealing to any particular experience as well as they are not expansive but explicative. In other words, they are self-evidently true and if one is to deny this, they would be in contradiction. An example of this would be A bachelor is an unmarried man. That is, the validity of this statement is tautological. A second type of Kantian judgment is known as a posteriori synthetic. A posteriori synthetic judgments are similar to Humes Matters of Fact. They are a posteriori because they are contingent facts that usually appeal to some particular experience to be known. They are synthetic as they are expansive, as they expand on the subject. An example of this kind of judgment would be Some triangles are isosceles or Ryan is wearing a red hat. Both of these require some experience that would allow for one to determine the truth value of the statements. Another way to think of examples of synthetic a posteriori statements is by thinking of possible worlds. That is, a statement that is synthetic a posteriori would be one that you can imagine a possible world with it without causing a contradiction. An example would be the sun is yellow. Obviously we can agree that in this possible world it is yellow, however, in another possible world, the sun could be bright purple and it would not cause a contr adiction. A third type of Kantian judgment, which Kant adds to correct Hume, is known as synthetic a priori. This doesnt relate to any of Humes fork. As previously mentioned, it says a synthetic statement as it is expansive and its a priori they can be known without experience. It seems difficult to understand, yet this is what Kant brings in order to allow for metaphysics and even pure mathematics. An example of a synthetic a priori statement would be Every event has a cause. This is a synthetic a priori as we know it is true without having to experience it, but it is synthetic as it is expansive and not explicative. c. Briefly, what kind of judgment does Hume take mathematical claims, such as 7+5=12, to be? What kind of judgment does Kant take mathematical claims, such as 7+5=12, to be? Hume and Kant have different views when it comes to mathematical claims, such as 7+5=12. Hume would say that the statement 7+5=12 is a relation of ideas as it is a mathematical claim. That is, he views that if you deny 7 add 5 as the same as 12, you would be in contradiction. That is, 7+5 is defined as being equivalent to 12. Kant would have a differing view when it comes to mathematical claims. Kant would say that 7+5=12 is a synthetic a priori statement. This is because Kant feels that 7+5 does not contain the concept of 12. That is, you can think of the prior without the second, which is what makes Kant feel it is synthetic, but as with most math principles, they are not seen in the world and are considered by Kant to be a part of the laws of nature. Therefore, Kant views them as a priori. d. What is Kants answer to the question: How is pure mathematics possible? Kants answer to the question how is pure mathematics possible is a very long one. In fact, it takes up a large section in his Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics. He does this by explaining his Copernican revolution of space and time. Kant feels that space and time serve as indispensable tools that help arrange and categorize the images of objects imported by our sensory organs. Anything we see or hear would be useless unless our minds have some space and time to make sense of it. Kant, unlike Hume, wants it to be possible for us to have knowledge outside of experience. He writes if intuition must conform to the constitution of the objects, I do not see how we could know anything of the latter a priori. (pg. 516) Yet, Kant feels that pure mathematics is only possible if we allow for a synthetic a priori statement to exist. (pg. 555) That is, a priori intuition would allow for the appearance of objects to be possible to us. Kant feels strongly that pure mathematics is only possible because we can have intuitions of space and time as phenomena. Phenomena are things as they appear to us given how our thought and sense perception work. However, it is important to note that Kant feels that pure mathematical propositions are not just creations of the imagination, but they do exist in space and time. (pg. 557-8) This is very important to Kant as it is one of his huge additions to Humes Fork which eliminated metaphysical claims and even math and science to an extent. 3. Knowledge of Nature a. Briefly, what does Kant mean by the term experience? Kant uses many terms that require special definitions. One such term is experience. Experience to Kant is the combination of an intuition with a concept in the form of judgment. In other words, it requires concepts that allow us to express a necessary and universal synthesis of intuitions. They describe the synthesis of intuitions in consciousness in general. b. Briefly, how do judgments of experience differ from judgments of perception? Judgments of perception are only subjectively valid. That is, they hold good only for us as individuals as they narrate how things appear to us as individuals. In other words, they describe the synthesis of intuitions in ones own consciousness. An example of a judgment of perception is The tower looks small to me or I feel the warm stone, then I see the sun shining on it. A judgment of experience is one that is about, or directed to objects of experience. An object of experience requires concepts that allow us to express necessary and universal synthesis of intuitions. In other words, it describes the synthesis of intuitions in consciousness. That is, they describe how we view the world is in general. An example of a judgment of experience would be nature is the existence of things so far as it is determined according to universal laws. It is a truth which is not subjectively qualified unlike a judgment of perception. c. Why does Kant think that we can know a priori that All events have a cause? Kant thinks that we can know a priori that all events have a cause. An a priori statement is one that is true in terms of its meaning alone. In other words, the statement all events have a cause is a fact upon which experience depends. Kant felt that the antithesis, no event has a cause would not produce a contradictory or meaningless statement, proving that it is synthetic. And the original statement, all events have a cause is a priori as Kant felt it can be known without the need of experience. Kant wrote that the principles of possible experience are then at the same time universal laws of nature, which can be known a priori. (pg. 565) In other words, Kant felt that all events have a cause would be considered a universal law of nature which are known a priori. d. Give an example of a metaphysical claim that Kant thinks we are NOT entitled to make. Why would he think we are not entitled to make that metaphysical claim? A metaphysical claim that Kant thinks we are not entitled to make would be the soul is immortal. He feels this is because metaphysical claims are illegitimate when they use a priori concepts beyond the bounds of any possible experience. Kant writes examples can only be borrowed from some possible experience, and consequently the objects of these concepts can be found nowhere but in a possible experience. In other words, Kant writes that you cannot make a claim such as the soul is immortal without relating it to some possible experience and thus taking away the a priori concept.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Destruction of the American Dream in Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby
In The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the main theme is most directly related to the American Dream. The American Dream is based on the idea that any person, no matter who they are, can become successful in life by working hard. The Great Gatsby is about what happened to the American Dream during the 1920's, an era when the dream had been corrupted by the relentless pursuit of wealth. The pursuit of the American Dream is the ultimate cause of the downfall of the main character, Jay Gatsby. Throughout the story, Jay Gatsby avoids telling the truth of his hard, ordinary childhood. He does this to keep his image and to save himself from the embarrassment of being in a state of poverty during his youth. His parents were unsuccessful people who worked on the farm, and because of this Gatsby never really accepted them as his parents. Jay Gatsby?s real name is Jay Gatz and he is from North Dakota. He changed his name to Jay Gatsby when he was seventeen years old, which was the beginning of his version of the American Dream. In all realities Gatsby arose from his Platonic view of himself, the idealistic self-view that a seventeen year old boy has of himself (Fitzgerald 104). Gatsby's embarrassing childhood is a major source of determination in his attempt to achieve the American Dream. It was in the army as a young adult when Gatsby first met Daisy. He initially loved Daisy because of her extraordinary house and because many other men had already been with her. Gatsby fell in love with Daisy, and in turn Daisy fell in love with Gatsby. ?Daisy was the first ?nice? girl that he had ever known?(Fitzgerald 155). Their love was an uneasy one at first for Gatsby to comprehend because he wasn?t rich by any standards and ... ...ramatic affirmation in fictional terms of the American spirit in the midst of an American world that denies the soul (Bewley 46).?Gatsby?s strong desire for wealth and Daisy, (the American Dream), prove to be the greatest reasons for his grave downfall. Works Cited Bewley, Marius. ?Scott Fitzgerald and the Collapse of the American Dream.? Modern Critical Views: F. Scott Fitzgerald. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers,1985: 32-45. Bruccoli, Matthew J., Preface. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1995. Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. 1st ed. New York: Scribner, 2004. Print. Mizener, Arthur. ?F.ScottFitzgerald: The Great Gatsby.? The American Novel: From James Fenimore Cooper to William Faulkner. Ed. Wallace Stegner. New York: Basic Books, Inc., Publishers, 1965: 180-191.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Effects of Printed Media on Gender Roles Essay -- Media Stereotypi
I will be looking at women’s 'to-be-looked-at-ness', and examining the representations of women as objects of the male gaze and male desires. In simple terms, a stereotype is the application of one (usually negative) characteristic to a whole group. The stereotype is an easy concept to understand, but there are some points you need to consider when looking at media representations with regard to stereotyping. For a stereotype to ‘work’ it needs to be recognisable to the audience and when so recognised, then judgements are made about the subject. If the stereotype is negative, then the judgements will also tend to be the same. The predictable thing about stereotypes is that they are predictable! They create a sense of order and also provide a sense of identity (even if it is a negative one!) Stereotypical judgements and stereotypical media representations can (and often do) lead to different treatments of groups by other groups, (sadly, often quite discriminatory). If we define ‘male’ and ‘female’ all we are doing is a biological classification, but if we think about the terms ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ we have to think about certain roles and lifestyles. Put simply, the words have very specific ideological assumptions of what is ‘natural behaviour’ for each sex. The portrayal of men and women in traditional roles is very prominent and also very contested in advertising. Characters, both male and female are constantly placed in roles, socially constructed to 'match' their gender. In other words, society has constructed (made) a set of ‘truths’ about what is the ‘right’ way for a man or a woman to behave. The media, of cou... ... adverts to highlight these changes. These reversals are, however, often portrayed in a sarcastic or less serious than in other adverts. Without these gender roles maybe society would have had an adverse effect on the media and what we portray as acceptable would in fact be outrageous. Why is the media so important? â€â€One may ask. More often than not, it’s the way we get most of our information. Information we tend to think of as the â€Å"truth. Overall when looking at different types of media I got the general impression that women are portrayed in a worthless provocative manor. This was repeated in the same way across the whole range and always looked as if they were being exploited. Society have dictated to the media what they want to buy and see, all that’s left for the media to do is provide this product.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
A Summary on the Essay of Kate Gubata: The New Feminism
The word feminism has generally and categorically been associated to an assembly and movements of radical groups who try to eradicate the male dominance in society, talking if not shouting, just to get their messages across.  These were the women in our grandparents’ time who have endeavored and strived to get their equal rights as a human being.  Today, it has been observed that women try to keep away from becoming branded as feminist to disassociate themselves to this type of bloc.  Feminism does not have to be exclusively defined to this category.According to Gubata (2003), a lack of interest among women to engage themselves in these activities is due to the misconceptions on the aims of feminism.  The real goal of the feminists’ today is to elucidate both men and women to convert equality into a reality. Anyone can be an active participant on this action and tackle significant feminists’ issues such as pay inequity, recent passage of the â€Å"ab ortion drug†and legal battles of homosexual marriage.Contemporary feminists are those people who have no fear in speaking their minds and in sharing their ideas as well as being open to ideas of others. Women should not deny themselves the prospect of getting themselves involved in something they believe in. Having a united voice means getting the aim stridently heard.The author emphasized on the encouragement of the people to get themselves involved in promoting the goals of feminists. Take note of the groups in your community which you might get interested in then once you find it, enlist yourself and be prepared to take action. You may have dissimilar and diverse feminist perceptions in the group but the eventuality of accomplishing your purpose is more apparent.REFERENCEMcCuen-Metherell, J.R. & Winkler, A.C. (Eds.). (2003). Readings for Writers (11th ed.). Heinle-Thomson Learning.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Good and Evil in Lord of the Flies and Animal Farm Essay
Good and evil themes, in some form, exist in practically every piece of literature ever written. It is found in literature as old as the Bible to newer stories such as The Hunger Games. It is no surprise to find this same theme in Lord of the Flies by William Golding and Animal Farm by George Orwell. Golding and Orwell explore good and evil to show what effect morality, or the lack thereof, has on society. Both Golding and Orwell believe through their own past experiences that evil corrupts people. To portray this, Orwell and Golding use similar ideas with their characters and plot to show how fragile the idea of civilization is for us all. In Lord of the Flies and Animal Farm, the theme of evil is obvious throughout the development of the characters. In Lord of the Flies, the primary character, Jack, is truly evil. Jack is a brutal boy and he performs many violent acts during his quest for power. The best example of this is when Jack encourages his tribe to participate in the slaughtering of the angelic Simon (Golding, 140). While the tribe is having a wild, demonic ceremony, Simon crawls out of the woods disorientated after suffering a seizure. Mistaking Simon for the beast, the crazed tribe, including Ralph, brutally rips Simon apart with their bare hands and teeth. Simon falls off of the cliff and onto the beach below, where his body washes out to sea. In comparison, evil is also prominent in the story Animal Farm. The character Napoleon is the essence of evil in Animal Farm. He is the very manipulative and dictator-like leader of the farm. He performs many unspeakable acts against his fellow animals, such as taking the milk and apples for himself (Orwell, 24). After taking all of the milk and apples, Napoleon gets Squealer, a pig that he uses for propaganda purposes, to explain his â€Å"reason†for taking the milk and apples from them. Squealer states that Napoleon needs to take the milk and apples from the animals so that Napoleon has strong brain power. Squealer continues to explain that Napoleon needs to have good brain power because â€Å"the whole management and organisation of the farm depends on Napoleon†(Orwell, 32). Squealer then elaborates even more and says to the animals that â€Å"it is for YOUR sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples†¦ Jones would come back! †(Orwell, 32). These reasons are not true, as Napoleon just wants the milk and apples because he finds them tasty and not because he needs them to manage the farm. Meanwhile, the other farm animals are left to go hungry. In an effective display of pure evil, Orwell and Golding are able to use Napoleon and Jack as villainous characters in an effort to show what happens to someone with no morals. In contrast, themes of goodness are harder to find, yet evident in the characterization of Lord of the Flies and Animal Farm. In Lord of the Flies, Simon is the epitome of morality. For example, he appears Christ-like as he helps the more vulnerable children of the tribe that the older boys call the Littluns. Simon helps the Littluns by performing tasks that they cannot do, such as â€Å"picking choice fruit from branches they cannot reach†(Golding, 50). In comparison, Animal Farm also has characters that reflect merit. Specifically, Boxer is one character that shows his goodness through his actions. For example, in the Battle of the Cowshed, he sees his fellow animals being injured, so he stops the fighting by kicking a stable-lad in the head. As a result of Boxer’s actions, the humans flee (Orwell, 36). Although Lord of the Flies and Animal Farm are both predominately full of evil themes, Golding and Orwell use themes of goodness in the characterization to give the reader hope that good just may prevail. Besides the themes of evil found in characterization, there are also the themes of evil in the plot elements of Lord of the Flies and Animal Farm. Towards the end of Lord of the Flies, Simon is murdered by the rest of the boys (Golding, 142). Simon’s death is specifically the point when the evil in the story triumphs over good . Up until the point of Simon’s death, Ralph and Simon are the only characters who still have good left in them. Since Ralph participates in Simon’s murder, all of the good that exists in Ralph is gone and the last of civilization dies with Simon. A similar evil is present in Animal Farm when Napoleon tortures and executes â€Å"traitors†of the farm. The animals that are accused of treason are tortured until they admit to their crime. Once they confess, they are executed (Orwell, 69). Most of the time, these animals are not even guilty. The animals live in a constant fear; they do not know when or if they will be accused of treason and then executed. By using themes of evil, both Golding and Orwell show that a lack of morality in society may eventually result in the collapse of civilization. In the same way, themes of good appear in the plot elements of Lord of the Flies and Animal Farm. Specifically, there is a time when Jack refuses to give Piggy any meat. Simon gives Piggy his share because he believes that it is unfair that Jack did not give Piggy any meat. When Simon does not give Jack the satisfaction of eating his meat, Jack then gets extremely angry with Simon and throws meat at Simon’s feet yelling â€Å"Eat, Damn you! †(Golding, 68). Simon still refuses to eat the meat. By his actions, Simon shows that even though they were living in uncivilized times, they could still remain kind to each other. Just like Lord of the Flies, Animal Farm also has themes of goodness in its plot elements. In particular, Old Major creates a spirit of kindness and enthusiasm at the farm during his famous speech. He uplifts the animals by singing them a song entitled â€Å"Beasts of England†. The song is about animals breaking free from human control and living independently. Old Major continues to show his concern for his fellow animals when he says in his speech that â€Å"all animals are equal†(Orwell, 11). As a result of Orwell and Golding using goodness in the plot elements of Animal Farm and Lord of the Flies, they are able to illustrate their point that one can choose to be kind, no matter their surroundings. Through characterization and plot elements, Golding and Orwell use good and evil in Lord of the Flies and Animal Farm to express their fearful feelings for society. They believe that if society loses their touch of purity and goodness then society will collapse. In other words, Golding and Orwell’s message to the reader is that it is human nature to sin and perform evil, and if society is not careful, it will eventually lead to the demise of civilization. Works Cited Orwell, George. Animal Farm;. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1954. (11, 24, 32, 36, 69). Print. Golding, William. Lord of the Flies. New York: Coward-McCann, 1962. (50, 68, 140, 142). Print. View as multi-pages
Sunday, September 15, 2019
How to Achieve Sales Target
How To Achieve Sales Targets Sales personnel often ask themselves how to achieve sales targets? Prospects are more savvy now when buying products and there is a wider choice of products in the market place. What can sales people do to achieve these targets? 1. Selling Is About The Value The Customer Gets Many sales people study very well the features and functions of the products and services that they sell. What is more important is to understand what value the product or service brings to the person who buys it. For a given product, different people buy it for their own unique reasons.It is therefore necessary to know what are the kinds of needs that the product or service serves. You can then find out the needs of the prospect first and then only present your product or service in the light of their requirements. This approach will not only help you close the sale with the prospect that you are dealing with. It will help to increase referral sales that you can get. 2. Serve Before Selling Sales people can be so focused on selling that they may not realize that this approach is normally seen as very aggressive by the prospect.To understand the prospect needs and to serve the prospect with no expectation of selling is actually proving to be a much more effective way of selling. Once you know the prospect needs, be generous about tips on how the person can meet their needs. One of the options, of course, is to use the product or service that you are selling. This approach is subtle and non-threatening. Even if the prospect did not buy, the chances that they will refer you to someone else is high. In addition, they may later decide to buy your product. So, do remember to give your contact details even if you do not make a sale. 3. Strategize And Follow Your StrategyWhen you are faced with a question of how to achieve sales targets, the first step must be to strategize. Without a strategy, you will be aimlessly going through actions not really knowing if you can achieve your target. Then, of course, follow your strategy. In following your strategy, monitor the results to check if your strategy is working the way you intended it to. If it does not, then it is time to evaluate and make adjustments based on your findings. This simply means that you have mini-targets and dates against which you track your progress. While strategies are high level, they are still not cast in concrete.It will be pointless pursuing a strategy that you realize is not making headway. 4. Develop A Plan Based On Your Strategy It is important that a strategy is converted into a working plan with dates and expected results or deliverables at each of these dates. In the event that other people are involved, clearly state who is accountable for each of these actions. Identifying results or deliverables is important as these will indicate if the actions have been successfully completed. Use these results and deliverables as a basis to make any adjustments to your action pl an or even to the strategy if required. . Enjoy The Journey Make sure that the whole process of achieving sales targets is an enjoyable journey for you. If you find that it is not, you may want to find ways of creating some fun along the way. There are people who use fun stationery when planning and tracking their work. Even strategizing can be fun when using colors and pictures. Mind maps are a great way to get your creative juices flowing. Another way will be to reward yourself not just at the end of achieving your objectives, but also at milestone achievements. These do not have to burn a hole in your pocket.While you could take a holiday at the end of the project, at milestone achievements, you might want to reward yourself with watching a movie or buying that new pair of shoes. It could even be as simple as having that ice cream only when you achieve the milestone. Steps on strategizing, planning, tracking and rewarding are common thoughts on how to be successful at sales. Add to this the concepts of serving before selling and the value you bring to the customer, and you will have a winning strategy on how to achieve your sales targets.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
The Families in the 1950’s
The 1950’s A typical 1950’s family was nothing like the ideal family in today’s generation. Back then a typical family was a mom and a dad and several children. This is nothing like the current generation, where there are pregnant 16 year olds who think its ok to get pregnant out of wedlock because they see that on television. Everyone sat down to a home cooked meal together, unlike today where both men and women go to work and so they wind up eating something quick.Shows like â€Å"Leave it to Beaver†created the perfect model of what the typical family of the 1950’s was like. When there was a conflict between a child and a parent, they sat down together and talked it out, nobody ran away or just brushed it off. Women stayed home did the chores and kept up with the house and took care of the children, while the husbands went out to work. The positive part of the 50’s was how families were actually families.They did things together like watch television, ate dinner, and just spent time with each other talking about one another’s day. Women understood what it meant to honor their husbands and discipline their children. Other than that there was more negativity to this decade. Women were not allowed to do many things such as, going to work if they could afford not to, state their opinions to their husbands, and dinner had to be on the table when their husbands arrived home and not a second later.Although the 1950’s were a more popular time then other decades, I do not think people would want to go back. Women were treated unfairly as well as minorities, and gays. I do, however, think that some aspects from that generation would be best fit in this generation. Women should still go out and work, and be treated with respect, however; there should be more structure in families, so that there are not so many broken families, and not so many children being born into corrupt families.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Characterization of Hadley
Characterization of Hadley Ernest Hemingway remembers his time in Paris fondly in his memoir A Moveable Feast. The book tells about his writing process and other fond memories in Paris with his wife, Hadley. Hemingway often refers to Hadley strictly as his wife, but he eventually makes a transition from calling her his wife to Hadley. Throughout the book, Hemingway characterizes Hadley as a fun-loving, supportive wife. While Hemingway’s book has no chronological order, he uses this subtle transition to mark a divide in his and Hadley’s relationship. Hemingway tells the reader about his experiences in Paris and about his encounters with other famous authors. The first chapter of the book starts out with Hemingway describing his cafe where he prefers to write. At the end of the chapter, he mentions a brief conversation with his wife about a vacation that they want to take. He describes her, â€Å"She had a lovely modeled face and her eyes and her smile lighted up at decisions as though they were rich presents†(Hemingway 19). With a simple description of his wife, Hemingway allows his dialogue to be the center focus rather than elaborately describing his wife. The imagery Hemingway uses to describe the way she responds to a decision to go on a vacation shows how she sees the vacation; she thinks of the vacation as a rich present that she does not often get. Since Hemingway is so set on going on this trip, his wife delights in going. She supports Hemingway’s decision to leave Paris, so he may write about Paris. Hadley also supports Hemingway when he decides to grow his hair out long. She even decides to cut her hair to the same length as Hemingway has his, so they may grow their hair out together. One of the bigger decisions Hemingway makes during this Parisian time is to bet on horse races. Hadley asks Hemingway, â€Å"Do we have enough money to really bet, Tatie?†(42). At this point in Hemingway’s career, he is still writing for newspapers, and he has submitted some short stories to be published. The Hemingways are nowhere near being rich, but they do not think themselves poor either. They certainly do not have the spare money to gamble on horse races, but Hadley supports Hemingway anyway: â€Å"I think we ought to go†¦ We haven’t been for such a long time†(43). Hemingway even says that he has been tight with any income that they have, so when he wants to gamble what little surplus, if one could call it that, that they have, Hadley still supports him. Hemingway conveys how deep his and Hadley’s relationship is in a specific scene, â€Å"It was a wonderful meal at Michaud’s after we got in; but when we had finished and there was no question of hunger any more the feeling that had been like hunger when we were on the bridge was still there when we caught the bus home†(49). He shows in this scene that their hunger was not only a physical feeling, but it was a longing for something more. Hemingway knew his wife so well that he could tell that she felt hungry in the same way he did. Hemingway shows with this scene that he and Hadley had a strong bond which only makes their divorce more tragic. In the sixth chapter of the book, Hemingway uses Hadley’s name for the first time instead of referring to her as his wife. While this may seem insignificant, it has a deeper meaning behind it. The chapters of A Moveable Feast are not in chronological order, so this switch in reference to Hadley could symbolize the beginnings of how Hemingway and Hadley’s relationship started to deteriorate. In chapter sixteen, Hemingway closes the chapter with a discussion about the end of his relationship with Hadley. He states, â€Å"Hadley and I had become too confident in each other and careless in our confidence and pride†(123). He starts this brief discussion with saying that they had grown too relaxed in their relationship. Later on he states, â€Å" Hadley †¦ came well out of it and married a much finer man than I ever was or could hope to be and is happy and deserves it†(123). Hemingway intimately knows Hadley, and he recognizes that she was not to blame fo r their marriage ending. He still cares for her happiness because she was his wife and mother to his first child. From chapter six to chapter sixteen, Hemingway rarely calls Hadley his wife. These chapters take place during the time that they had â€Å"become too confident in each other.†Hemingway distances himself from Hadley through work, and his marriage falls apart. How does Hemingway see Hadley completely? He sees her as a dedicated wife who supports him in his writing career, someone with whom he can relate to on a deeper level, and ultimately as a woman who deserves someone better than Hemingway himself. He captures her true personality through the conversations he includes in A Moveable Feast. Since his marriage to Hadley ended in divorce, Hemingway could have skewed the reader’s perception of Hadley into a spiteful woman, but he chose to remain mostly unbiased in his characterization of her. Hemingway remembers his time in Paris with Hadley as a mostly happy time in his life, and he wants the reader to experience Paris as he did. He approaches his memories with Hadley free of noticeable bias, and he provides the reader an accurate description of his first wife. Hadley Hemingway was incredibly supportive of Ernest during his years as a struggling author, and she appreciated the simpler life they led compared to the richer lives that s ome of Hemingway’s friends lived. Ultimately, Hemingway knew Hadley deserved better than he was or could provide for her at the time. He still cherished their time together, and he did not want to taint those memories with the bitterness a divorce can bring. He loved Hadley and only wanted to show his readers how much life she helped him lived in Paris during those five years of marriage.
Organizational Behaviour Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Organizational Behaviour - Assignment Example In news conveyance media, the comparison between the newspapers and television broadcasting shows the different constraints through which they undergo to achieve the goal of communication to the public and helps to determine how the operations in those media affect the behaviors of the involved individuals. In television broadcast of information, the involved use voice and video to elaborate the information that they want to present to their audience. This method ensures that the receiver of the information can be able to follow the progress of events in the situation in the covered scene. The method involves the use of voice to describe the events that take place at the scene. On the other hand, newspaper medium reports things that took place in the past times and the presenters of that information use descriptive words and photos of the scene to elaborate the transition of events. This method of spreading information implies that readers of the newspapers may not get the direct exc hange between the involved people unless they infer it from the description of the news reporter (Warner 525). In terms of behavior of the reporters in the television and the newspaper media, it is possible to determine those of the newspaper have to develop their descriptive ability so that they can achieve the goals. On the other hand, television reporters may use less description and reinforce it with the video of the events at the scene they have covered in the process of collecting information. In broadcasting, the newspaper reporters have to have abilities to choose the best way to present the information through developing captivating headlines. On the other hand, television reporters may not require headlines to the information they have to the people but they may start with a short summary of the news they have about the covered scenes during the news session. The newspaper medium of communication is efficient if the target receivers can read and understand the information contained. This means that newspaper presentation of news is limited to a smaller population who can read. Additionally, if an individual cannot read and understand the language in which newspaper information is presented, it means it would be impossible to communicate to such people. Another limitation of newspaper reporting is that it cannot present information immediately it has happened but presents things that happened in the past. This means that newspapers may not be effective in communicating urgent information because the process of collecting editing, preparing and distributing information in the newspaper is long (Warner 526). In broadcasting events to the public, television medium is effective because it can reach those who can understand the language of the news and makes the understanding of information easy by use of videos. The other thing that makes television broadcasting effective is that it can present live coverage of the scene of events. This makes the medium v ery efficient way of attaining the goal of communication especially when the there is an issue of emergency that the target population need to receive (Warner 526). In the process of presentation of information to the public,
Thursday, September 12, 2019
MEMO---Affordable Care ACT Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
MEMO---Affordable Care ACT - Assignment Example The growth is facilitated by the company staff, the full-time employees and the part-time employees. The company already has a health insurance cover for the full-time employees. The cover has reduced recurrent expenditure on hospital bills and also improved the welfare of the full-time employees (Sommers et al, 2013). We believe that, if the health package is extended to the part-time staff, it will greatly improve their welfare and attitude towards the company. Currently, part-time employees represent 20% of the total company employees. In addition, the number increases to 30% of the total workforce when there is a huge workload. Due to the unpredictable patterns of the economy, the company is forced to recruit an additional team to aid in delivering various important tasks. Therefore, when the health insurance cover under the Affordable health care is adopted on board, the company will also benefit. The company has experienced tremendous growth for the last ten years. The number of employees is expected to double within the next year to approximately 300 employees including the part-time employees. It is a requirement to have health insurance for all employees of registered companies. This is in line with the Affordable Care Act, which becomes effective soon. As part of the company’s core values, it is important to comply with national laws to ensure the continued success of the company. Complying with the new mandate will see the company increase in size and increase the annual turnover, in the long run (Huntington et al, 2011). Though the Affordable health care will increase the company costs, it will have a variety of benefits. A health insurance cover for the part-time employees will help reduce absenteeism due to sickness. Absenteeism impacts the company negatively, and it is an additional cost to the company. Where several part-time employees are absent, the company will be
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Book report on Beast on the Haitian Hills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Book report on Beast on the Haitian Hills - Essay Example He does not believe in Voodoo and its beliefs. He considers that those people who believe in Voodoo are irrational and gullible. For him, Voodoo has no importance in life. The story revolves around the character of Morin. Morin is shown as a sycophant who is involved in extramarital affairs for most of his time. He belongs to upper class society and works at a grocery store. Morin gets an opportunity to fulfill his dreams when his wife gets expired. He moves to the countryside to leave his life there. After reaching the countryside, he recognizes that all his imaginations concerning country life are faulty as he judges country life as boring and unrespectable. He comes to know that all the farmers working in country life are uneducated and are free from any etiquettes. The residents of countryside are unable to give Morin his due respect as a learned and educated person. Morin becomes an alcoholic by considering his flawed dream and his wife’s death. In his alcoholic state, he misbehaves to the peasants and farmers. After considering about the behaviors of peasants of countryside, Morin decides that he would not allow any peasant or farmer to develop any kind of relationship to him. By adhering to the notion of restricting the peasants to correspond with him, he builds a wired boundary around his land due to which, the entrance of farmers and peasants is blocked in his locality. The peasants and farmers face a lot of problem because of his action as his land is present at a place, where there is major resource of water. The peasants and farmers are required to go to distant place to fetch up water for their needs because of Morin’s restriction. This action of Morin infuriates the residents of countryside. Bossuet is a country resident who is profoundly infuriated because of Morin’s actions. People living in the countryside fear Bossuet because of his exercising of
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Provide a critical overview of the debates on Fordism and Post Essay
Provide a critical overview of the debates on Fordism and Post -Fordism - Essay Example The post-Fordism philosophy suggests that an evolution of manufacturing towards a more flexible manufacturing process that is designed towards accommodating the information and technological age. However, not all theorists agree that this is actually a post-Fordism concept. The idea of post-Fordism is misleading, suggestive that Fordism has been abandoned or that the current philosophies are opposing. This is not true. Fordism still exists in manufacturing and the new philosophies are in line with an evolution of the originating concepts, society being created through the ways in which the worker sees his position in the world as reflected by his position within the work force. Henry Ford Henry Ford developed the design for the Model T automobile, but it was the philosophies of industrial management that he implemented that revolutionized industry. Ford was born in 1863 near Detroit, Michigan in the United States to a Father from Ireland and a mother who was born in Michigan of Belgi um parentage. Ford was a chief engineer with the Edison Illumination Company, but spent his extra time and money working on the gasoline engine. Ford designed the Model T and created a manufacturing company in order to make the auto for the public (Ford and Crowther 2006). The Model T was introduced to the public in 1908, the price on the automobile at 875 American dollars. This was a relatively low price in regard to the cost of living at the time and was intended to be affordable for the average American. Eventually, the base price on the auto dropped to around 370 dollars, a price that was more than affordable and created an empire for Henry Ford. It was not until 1927 that other models of automobiles were made at Ford. In the meantime, Ford implemented revolutionary practices that set the course for a new way of thinking about labour and wage. Industrial Sociology Welfare capitalism is found when an employer takes on the responsibility of the employee and offers welfare like ser vices. This type of employee-employer relationship provides for benefits that are beyond the wage. This can include health care, housing subsidies, and education. Ford adapted a management style that promoted loyalty throughout his organization. After experiencing a high turnover of employees, he decided to offer his workers five dollars a day plus pay medical expenses, create pensions, and provide recreational facilities in order to build employee loyalty (Jacoby 1991, p. 94). The business philosophy that was at work was in creating an atmosphere of stakeholder interest. Ford hoped that by paying the employees more and by caring for their needs, they would look at the workings of the machinery as part of their own success (Jacoby 1991, p. 94). Ford created a work culture on the floor, the employees depending on the increased pay and benefits and therefore all focused on creating the best product possible. The assembly line had taken much of the craft out of work, but the inspiratio n of stakeholder interest was intended to put that spirit of accomplishment back into the worker. The use of this type of incentive created the work culture, a society that was contained and required passing through the employment process to become a part of the group. The lines outside the plant toward the employment office were so crowded that there were days that they used a
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