Sunday, September 1, 2019

Webers Law on Visual Perception

Crimes against Fundamental Laws of the State. Crimes against Public Order. 4) Crimes against Public Interest 5) Crimes against Related to Opium and other Prohibited Drugs 6) Crimes against Public Morals 7) Crimes committed by public Officers 8) Crimes against Persons 9) Crimes against Personal Liberty and security 10) Crimes against Property 1 1) Crimes against Chastity 12) Crimes against Civil Status of Persons 13) Crimes against Honor Theories explaining why crimes do occur: 1 . Classical Theory 2. Control Theory 3. Differential Association and Social Learning Theory 4. Societal Theory 5. Strain Theory 6.Psychological Theory 7. Subcultures Theory 8. Labeling Theory Crimes causing Factors in the Philippines 1. The belief that culprits of crimes or their powerful patrons can fix things. 2. The really powerful people who are able to circumvent the law. 3. The known corruptibility of some policemen, lawyers and Judges. 4. The high cost, long delays, personal inconvenience and embarrass ment entailed in many criminal cases which favors the offenders. 5. The discrepancy between some acts which the law defines as unlawful and which the people do not see in the same light. . The concept that hat which is public belongs to no me. 8. The adult criminals and Juvenile delinquents who see their models as great men with prestige and glamour and the glorification of criminals by the mass media. 9. The existence of firearms in the possession of some citizens. 10. The swift Justice out by dissidents in contrast to the uncertainty of legal Justice. CRIME is one of the most dreadful social illnesses. Violation of the law is not only confronted to adult behavior there are so called adult criminal and Juvenile delinquent as well.Delinquency is most often found in the following instances: ) Slum areas where diverse cultural standards flourish with little interaction. B) Families with parent's characterized by drunkenness or criminality, ineffective household management, economic di fficulties and low self- respect. C) Failure of children to experience real home. D) Broken homes where husbands and wives separate either temporarily or permanently. E) Lack of supervision of young people who roam the streets of most cities. Educational Implications of Crime Suggestions to the School Sector 1 .Resort all possible meaner to make the students strongly develop the sense of loneliness in the school setting. 2. Remind the students of the bad elements in society and the dangers associated with relating with such elements or even emulating them. 3. Maintain a personality profile of each student. 4. Impress among the students the values of honesty and integrity. 5. Take extra precaution labeling the students, particularly those who present problems in behavior. 6. See to it that school rules and regulations are strictly and Justly applied to every student, no matter what his status in life. . Identify and clarify the value of resonantly and accountability, whether the thin g in question is personal public or private property. 8. Inculcate among the students the sanctity of marriage and the family the indispensable role played by the family and in nation building. 9. Train the student to be alert at all times as to their respective and duties as citizens of the country. 10. Plan and implement co-curricular activities where the student can channel effectively and productively their extra energy.Drug Dependence Drug is defined as anything that frees one from a certain disease, either curing or reverting them to occur, but if you take ones it more than enough to cause him exhibit abnormal behavior or make him violate socially approved behavior. 1. Sedatives or Depressants or downers 2. Stimulants or Upper 3. Hallucinogens or Psychedelics 4. Narcotics Reason why person become drug abuser 1 . Socio-cultural deprivation 2. Faulty Model and Learning 3. Pathogenic family pattern 4. Identity crisis 5. Cultural correlates There are many social problems that exis t in our society and some says that it is hard to prevent too.If we cannot prevent these at least we need to lessen it. It is hard to prevent these social problems because anywhere, everywhere you turn your eyes there are lots of problems. Some people violate the norms of our society and if we ask them why did they do that, for sure the only answer that we get is they didn't what to do it but they have to because they badly needed it. One of the social problems in our society is a crime. One word but has a huge and bold meaning. It is very obvious if what is crime. From the world itself crime is one of the most dreadful social illnesses in our society.Many people committed crime and they were imprisoned but the government cannot prevent some people to commit crime. And these crimes are not only for adult ones, crimes do not choose the adult to do it but there are lots of crimes that the minor or the student commits. I think some student that committed crime, their parent's didn't mo ld their personality as a person or they have a broken family, their parent's characterized by drunkenness or criminality, ineffective household management, economic difficulties and low self- respect. Failure to experience real home and lack of supervision of young people who roam the streets of most cities.If this young people has didn't lack of supervision and don't have to commit a crime. If a student follows all the rules and regulations in school they don't need to commit crime. They should make the students strongly develop the sense of belongingness in the school setting. Remind the students of the bad elements in society and the dangers associated with relating with such elements or even emulating them. Impress among the students the values of honesty and integrity. Take extra precaution labeling the students, particularly those who present problems in behavior.See to it that school rules and regulations re strictly and Justly applied to every student, no matter what his st atus in life. Identify and clarify the value of personality and accountability, whether the thing in question is personal public or private property. Inculcate among the students the sanctity of marriage and the family the indispensable role played by the family and in nation building. Train the student to be alert at all times as to their respective and duties as citizens of the country. Plan and implement co-curricular activities where the student can channel effectively and productively their extra energy.If these suggestions to school sector will apply to the entire student I think there is no student who will commit crime. Yes many of students disobey the law like Jaywalking but still it is not a crime but it is a violation. These social problems really affect the education in our society because this social problem is one of the major problems in our society. If in school the student started to be good follower, even if he is not inside the school he will be a good follower to o. Every people need to have an education so that social problems will be lessen because it is impossible to prevent social problems.

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