Friday, November 22, 2019

Alliances of Ww1 Essay

war. The alliances were one of the long-term effects of world war one. All alliances started secretly before world war one but what made it significant is when it was clear after Austria declared war on Serbia, Russia declared war on Germany and Austria and the domino effect started, which in the end led to world war one. However, all these alliances in world war one were intended for defense against the expanding Germany army. While, in world war two the alliances were not used for defense†¦ Militarism- The military grew in competing countries. The contest between Germany and Britain at sea between Germany, France, Russia Alliance System- where big countries stayed together incase of a war. The triple alliance and leaders of big alliances acted reckless towards others. Imperialism- Ruling over a country. European countries ruled smaller countries, and competed with each other. Colonies became known as Imperialism. France and Britain had many colonies in Africa and Asia. Germany†¦ involved. The war drew in all the world's great economic powers, which were assembled in two opposing alliances: the Allies and the Central Powers of Germany and Austria-Hungary. Although Italy had also been a member of the Triple Alliance alongside Germany and Austria-Hungary, it did not join the Central Powers, as Austria-Hungary had taken the offensive against the terms of the alliance. These alliances were both reorganized and expanded as more nations entered the war: Italy, Japan and the United States†¦ Events Leading to WW1 World War 1 was the start of changing times in the early 1900 's. This was a time for countries to draw a line in the sand and make a mark as to who would be the new world order. Archduke Franz Ferdinand was an heir to the country of Austria. Once Ferdinand became ruler, he proposed some policies that didn 't pass over well with the other leaders within Austria. One policy would aim at becoming 16 states rather than have Austria fade into the background of Hungary 's government†¦ by Gavril Principe, a Bosnian Serb citizen of Austria-Hungary and member of the Black Hand. The retaliation by Austria-Hungary against Serbia activated a series of alliances that set off a chain reaction of war declarations. Within a month, much of Europe was in a state of open warfare. The war was propagated by two major alliances. The Entente Powers initially consisted of France, the United Kingdom, Russia and their associated empires and dependencies. Numerous other states joined these allies†¦ IMPACTS OF WW1 ON AUSTRALIAN SOCIETY Almost a century has passed but Australia still identifies strongly with the Anzac ‘legend' that emerged during the First World War. Entering the war as a small outpost of the British Empire, no one would have anticipated the courage and tenacity displayed by the Australian troops or the extent to which their war efforts would become the foundation of our national identity. While it lacked large numbers of troops to contribute to the British war effort,†¦ World War 1 (WW1) World War One, the first of two wars which shook the very foundations of the earth. The war was as long as it was brutal, consisting of the world’s greatest powers vied against one another in a brutal, slow conflict. In this war there were the Central and Allied powers, which fought one another for both heroic and selfish reasons. All the while trying to maintain their land and nobilities from being threatened by the other side. The war had many various reasons for beginning,†¦ weapons.† â€Å" Alliances also contributed to the war because when they signed an alliance with another county they gave each other their help if they needed it. Then Austria-Hungary declared war on Russia. Germany declared war on France two days later; they went through Belgium, which was neutral. Great Britain declared war on Germany after France was attacked. Then Austria-Hungary declared war on England and WW1 began†( â€Å"The countries that were involved in WW1 that were Central†¦ Impact of WW1 on Russia Social and economic: The war proved an economic disaster for Russia, the direct cost of war rose from 1,500 million roubles in 1914 to 14,500 million in 1918. And this was an expense of the rural or industrial workforce, thus production slumped and in any case in time of war the country needed to be producing more, not less to feed and supply its armies Military problems: Although the Russian government managed to mobilise around 15 million men between 14-17, mainly†¦ Although the alliance between the UK and the USA had been established for many centuries, especially in the shared cause in WW1, it wasn’t until 1944 that the term ‘special relationship’ was used to describe Anglo-American relations. Winston Churchill said in 1944 that â€Å"unless Britain and the United States are joined in a special relationship, another destructive war will come to pass† , this was the foundation of the term ‘special relationship’. After the American Declaration of Independence in†¦

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