Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Effective Documentation" and Electronic Medical Record Essay

Effective Documentation" and Electronic Medical Record - Essay Example EMR has also been essential in reducing medical errors and provision of safer care. However, the same presents with several challenges. Notably, some types of cybercrime such as social engineering are targeting EMR. Stealing of patient records or online transmission of the same to unauthorised persons is rampant. Unknown to me previously, there are federal laws that protect the rights of the patient concerning EMR. Patient data must be kept safe and secure (Guido, 2013). Every health care facility must have a means of assuring the patients of secure record keeping. Moreover, access to any information from EMR requires the patient’s consent or a court order. From both legal and nurses perspectives, EMR has enhanced documentation in the health care sector. Nurses find it easy to relate previous records with the current medical conditions (Page & Schadler, 2014). Indeed, record keeping remains now narrowed to soft computer files rather than hardcopy files that are difficult to sort out. The legal system has found means of protecting patient information because interference with patient electronic data remains easy to investigate (Simmons & Goldschmidt, 2014). Page, C. K., & Schadler, A. (2014). A Nursing Focus on EMR Usability Enhancing Documentation of Patient Outcomes.  Nursing Clinics Of North America,  49(Nursing-Sensitive Innovations in Patient Care), 81-90.

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