Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Comparison of the Bandar and Cowboy Star Restaurant Butcher Restauant

A Comparison of the Bandar and Cowboy Star Restaurant & Butcher Restauant The Bandar and Cowboy star restaurant butcher restaurants compare by both restaurants serving cuisine that is natural and conventional based rather than fast foods. In regard to this, both serve fresh livestock meat and seafood. Also, both restaurants have incorporated wine in their menu which is optional for customers and a separate room exclusive for alcoholic drinks for interested customers (Bandar Persian Prime Restaurant, 2018). On the other hand, they differ by offering more specified and diversified meals; Bandar incorporates vegetables in their meals while Cowboy focuses more on meat products for their customers (Cowboy Star Restaurant and Butcher Shop, 2018). What positively influences both restaurants towards attracting and retaining their customers is the quality of their products. Considering they offer natural foods is a great motivation especially towards the customers who prefer organic foods. Additionally, there is the incorporation of vegetables upon request which caters well for the vegetarians since not all customers prefer meals based on meat products. Similarly, both restaurants offer meat products which can be considered as a negative influencer to the customers who totally disregard meat products and its association. Owing to this, there are customers who can entirely avoid the restaurants on the basis of animal product association. Additionally, seafood presents a mixture of reactions among customers; it is the most favorite to some while others disregard it but are comfortable with other livestock products. Furthermore, the involvement of alcoholic drinks in the form of wine or beer is not perceived positively by all customers despite being optional and may discourage potential clients of different faith/religion. Depending on the nature of customer, this may, therefore, act as a drawback.

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