Tuesday, October 8, 2019


LAW OF BANKING AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS BENCHMARK #4 - Assignment Example As such, the nature of their duties requires that they possess certain characteristics or attributes. Largely, the agents are required to portray attributes of independence, persuasion, problem-solving skills, and interpersonal skills. With regard to independence attribute, the real estate agents are expected to engage and manage their own schedules and times in ensuring that they hustle to get word out on the specific properties that they are promoting, as well as ensuring that they find the exact information that is required by their clients. By being persuasive, the agents, based on their skills should be able to convince clients to either buy or sell properties through them at the appropriate prices, so as to gain profit out of the dealings. Subsequently, they are expected to use persuasion to get the bets deals and to successfully close the deals. By possessing interpersonal skills, the real estate agents are anticipated to labor with their clients and customers on a face-to-face basis and at all times, they are required to portray proper manners and the level of handling of clients should be highly rated. This skill also goes hand in hand with the listening skills in which the agents are to apply towards the attainment of effective communication with the clients pleasantly and effectively. The problem-solving skills are meant to enable the agents to quickly and promptly find solutions to matters that might arise in their dealings with the clients at various times and levels. This skill also enables the real estate agent to act as a moderator and mediator between the buyers and sellers of the various real estate properties that are sanctioned under their guidance. In other contexts, real estate agents are required to possess attributes such as honesty and integrity, being self-motivated and having a desire to

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