Thursday, October 3, 2019

The scene emphasises the emotional trauma Essay Example for Free

The scene emphasises the emotional trauma Essay The slow build up of tension throughout the scene emphasises the emotional trauma suffered by the victims of both Salem and McCarthy. One piece of evidence we can look at that backs up this point is Elizabeths natural lie portrayed by the movie of The Crucible. This scene slowly builds up the tension and highlights the suffering of Elizabeth by slowly zooming the camera into Elizabeths face when Danforth asks her is her husband a lecher. This is deliberately used to build up tension because it is trying to make the viewer or reader feel sorry for her because she also has to deal with the court making her admit to it in front of everybody. However, I believe that Elizabeth is not thinking about what should she say to help her husbands trial, but I believe that she is questioning she really believes that her husband is a lecher. The slow zooming in of the camera angle also suggests that Elizabeth has to search her own heart deeper and got to really ask herself in her own heart whether she believes that her husband is really a lecher her reply is no. This shows the emotional trauma suffered by Elizabeth because she and Miller had to ask themselves a question from within, but the two were slightly different. I believe Millers question I believe was am I really a type of person thatll sell out my friends for my own benefit? After searching deep inside for the answer, both Miller and Elizabeth decide no. Because of this, they had to suffer; Elizabeth had accidentally accused his own husband and Miller had his life ruined, just for standing by their beliefs. Another piece of evidence is the tension given off by the suffering of the people in the court. They are not court officials, which is also evidence to emphasise the emotional trauma of the victims of both McCarthy and Salem. The play starts to build up tension because it says the right door opens on page eighty-two of the stage directions. By saying the right door opens this must mean that there is a left door as well, and the reason for Miller doing this is to tell us through stage direction that the girls have to enter slowly because there is only room for one person to pass at a time. This enhances the affect. Also by making Abigail the last person to enter makes it more dramatic because it shows how strong she is and how many people they have to go through to achieve justice and bring Abigail down. This makes us feel sorry for the people in the play because Abigail is so strong that she can do anything she pleases without the fear of the consequences, but the victims arent as fortunate which only emphasises the suffering in the play because it reminds us that she is responsible for it all. Once again this is an attack on the unfairness of society because of how the bad people can get away without the fear of the consequences and the innocent people have to pay by suffering for the deeds of others. This makes us sympathise with the suffering of the innocent, just like Millers own trial with McCarthy. Finally, there is the tension that is given to us when Proctor makes his damning speech on page ninety-six. This event makes the audience sympathise with Proctor because we, as the audience know that roaring at the court officials wont make them change their minds. Instead it would be used as evidence against you and this makes us want to shout from the audience to tell him dont shout at them! Despite this, the event is made to make us think that he doesnt know that shouting at the officials will be seen as evidence against himself. In fact there is proof that shows that he does. If he does know that shouting will only make the matter worse, why did he do it? The reason is that he is so desperate that no matter how small the chance is of convincing the court that they are condemning innocent people he still has to take it. This gets our sympathy because we feel so sorry for him that he is so desperate he even has to shout at them to try and make the court realise what they are doing is wrong. This relates back to Millers own experience because both Miller and Proctor had to stoop so low to try and convince the authorities by shouting at them, except that Miller did his shouting from the safeness within a play. In conclusion, I believe that Arthur Millers The Crucible is an attack, but only to a certain point. Using evidence I believe that he was really trying to show us two different perspectives. One, is that to find justice you have to be full of justice and fairness as a person. I believe that his second perspective was that he wanted us to see that there is responsibility attached to power and that it is important not to get caught up with the power by itself. This shows us that he is saying; Power can be a good servant, but a bad master.

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