Friday, October 18, 2019

Society and Political Sciences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Society and Political Sciences - Essay Example However, in the world of sociology and study of theories, the word "welfare" is preferred over happiness. This is to say that how much value that end result has on the person, relates to how much "welfare" he gets out of it. Rights and Justice: "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and the security of person" says the UN Human Rights Declaration website. These three statements merely cover the first basic rights to being called human. Today, we see justice being called in accordance with the law. But, still in many places today we see assassinations of rights being made to keep the law clean, to simply have justice. This so called justice, as the book defines it, is slashing away people's throats just to do what the law feels is appropriate. The war on terror is the biggest example we have today which has led to the deterioration of man, in pursuit of dreams of "advancement" and "power". Deal terror with justice, pose war on terror, abolish capital punishment, stop child ab use, stop violence against women, have proper arms control etc are issues we deal with when we talk about law. But, most of the time, we are faced with complexities when we start defining limits and learn that things are so deeply mixed together that it's difficult to not have dilemmas when dealing with human rights and justice. Does America deal with it better than other countries, is still a question left unanswered. The Market System: This concept pertains to establishing boundaries and limits that define how economic, social and political forces interact to form a system called the Market System. With the help of a market system, coordination between these forces is maintained and given a boost as when required. It erases confusion and directs by giving away what responsibilities each role carries. According to this system, even the smallest things are not avoided and the resulting picture is complete with collective goals, control and continuity. Cost-Benefit Analysis: This relates to how governments set their regulations through the use of measuring up their decisions and options carefully. This method is called the cost-benefit analysis since each option is carefully weighed out. It is important to employ this rule, since it's essential to our existence that we think about the future as well when making decisions. The kind of effects one's decision can have on for instance our future generations is one example. When cost-benefit analysis is accurately incorporated in ruling a country or simply making any decision, it automatically becomes effective. Kantianism: This is a moral theory that was coined by Immanuel Kant. Kant proposes that intentions play a great role in praising or punishing a person's acts. A person's purpose or drive behind his action is the main factor that results in the outcome being labeled good/praise-worthy or bad/punishable. Hence, this concept relates to morality, because

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